Can I cancel my order?
Yes, as long as it has not shipped. To cancel an order please contact us immediately because if your order has already been shipped, it cannot be canceled. Upon delivery, however, you can leave your box unopened and write “return it to sender” on the outside of the unopened package. Once we receive the unopened box in its original packaging, we can issue a refund for the value of the product only. A 25% restocking fee will be deducted from the total order cost.
What is your return & exchange policy?
All sales final. If you have any questions or concerns, take a look at our shipping policy page and see if your question might be answered there. If not, please reply to your order confirmation email and let us know how we can help. Remember we are a small family business and real people so just talk to us! We will do our best to ensure you are happy with your experience with Bison Star Naturals.